小栗大季: 卒業研究鬼頭賞, 2025/3/24.
小栗大季: 精密工学会第32回学生会員卒業研究発表講演会優秀講演賞, 2025/3/17.
輿石晃大: 2025年砥粒加工学会卒業研究発表会ポスタープレゼンテーション賞, 2025/3/6.
T. Meshram: Excellent Article Award, the journal Nanomanufacturing and Metrology 2024/12/5.
大谷あすか:Nanoman2024 Best Paper Award 2024/12/5.
小西祐平:ICPE2024 Best Paper Award 2024/10/29.
大谷あすか:2024年度精密工学会秋季大会工作機械技術振興財団賞, 2024/9/6.
大谷あすか:砥粒加工学会2024ベストポスタープレゼンテーション賞, 2024/3/8.
渡邉桃果:精密工学会第31回学生会員卒業研究発表講演会優秀講演賞, 2024/3/12.
川上凜太朗:精密工学会第31回学生会員卒業研究発表講演会DMG森精機賞, 2024/3/12.
大谷あすか:卒業研究鬼頭賞, 2024/3/25.
大谷あすか:卒業研究優秀発表賞, 2024/3/25.
上田優希:専修主任賞, 2024/3/26.
山室悠香:2023年度米沢富美子賞, 2024/3/26.
谷川茂:2023年度精密工学会研究奨励賞, 2024/3/13.
L. Zhang, 佐藤裕亮, 閻 紀旺:2023年度日本機械学会賞(論文), 2024/4/18.
上田優希:JSME若手優秀講演フェロー賞, 2023/3/3.
小西祐平:2023年砥粒加工学会卒業研究発表会ベストポスタープレゼンテーション賞, 2023/3/9.
佐藤裕亮:IJEM2022 Best Paper Award, 2023/3/10.
L. Zhang:2023年度精密工学会論文賞, 2023/3/15.
新野涼介:CJUMP2023 Best Presentation Award, 2023/10/24.
Ben Watkins:CJUMP2023 Best Paper Award, 2023/10/24.
橋本剛:CJUMP2023 Best Paper Award, 2023/10/24.
山室悠香:JSME女性未来賞, 2023/12/1.
閻 紀旺:IJEM Best Editor Award, 2023/12.
新野涼介:2022年砥粒加工学会卒業研究発表会ポスタープレゼンテーション賞, 2022/3/4.
笠毛 徳太郎:2022年砥粒加工学会卒業研究発表会ベストプレゼンテーション賞, 2022/3/4.
清水槙利:精密工学会第29回学生会員卒業研究発表講演会最優秀講賞, 2022/3/15.
上田優希:精密工学会第29回学生会員卒業研究発表講演会エクセレントプレゼンテーション賞, 2022/3/15.
佐藤裕亮:CJUMP2022 Best Paper Award, 2022/3/25-27.
中島あゆ美:慶應義塾大学大学院理工学研究科総合デザイン工学専攻優秀研究活動賞(修士), 2022/3/28.
Weihai Huang:慶應義塾大学大学院理工学研究科藤原賞, 2022/3/28.
佐藤裕亮:日本機械学会若手優秀講演フェロー賞, 2022/04/15.
南かのん:2022年度精密工学会春季大会ベストプレゼンテーション賞, 2022/06/14.
笠毛德太郎:PRESM 2022 Outstanding Presentation Award, 2022/08/26.
北川大地:2022年度砥粒加工学会 優秀講演賞, 2022/10/28.
山室悠香:ICPE 2022 Young Researcher Award, 2022/12/2.
山室悠香:慶應義塾大学大学院理工学研究科総合デザイン工学専攻優秀研究活動賞(修士), 2021/3/26.
榎本圭太:精密工学会第28回学生会員卒業研究発表講演会エクセレントプレゼンテーション賞, 2021/3/29.
寺林俊雄:日本機械学会賞(論文), 2021/4/22.
笠井慎平:工作機械技術振興財団第42回工作機械技術振興賞(論文賞), 2021/6.
長山晃大:工作機械技術振興財団第42回工作機械技術振興賞(論文賞), 2021/6.
W. Huang:euspen’s 21st International Conference, HEIDENHAIN Scholarship, 2021/6/10.
南かのん:Outstanding Presentation Award, International Symposium on Precision Engineering and Sustainable Manufacturing(PRESM) 2021, 2021/7/23.
T. Meshram:Student Award, 2021 World Congress on Micro and Nano Manufacturing(WCMNM2021), 2021/9/23.
佐藤裕亮:Young Researcher Award, The 10th International Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing in 21st Century(LEM21), 2021/11/18.
砂場勇輝:砥粒加工学会賞論文賞, 2020/2/28.
佐藤裕亮:慶應義塾大学理工学部機械工学科卒業研究優秀発表賞, 2020/3/23.
寺町亮則:日本機械学会三浦賞, 2020/3/26.
中島あゆ美:Best Paper Award, International Symposium on Precision Engineering and Sustainable Manufacturing(PRESM) 2020, 2020/11/18.
山室悠香:2019年砥粒加工学会卒業研究発表会ポスタープレゼンテーション賞, 2019/2/28.
岸諒一郎:2019年砥粒加工学会卒業研究発表会ベストポスタープレゼンテーション賞, 2019/2/28.
岸諒一郎:慶應義塾大学理工学部機械工学科卒業研究優秀発表賞, 2019/3/25.
奥内拓海:2019年度精密工学会春季大会学術講演会ベストプレゼンテーション賞, 2019/3/15.
高山望:日本機械学会三浦賞, 2019/3/28.
岸諒一郎:工作機械技術振興財団第40回工作機械技術振興賞(奨励賞), 2019/6/17.
SD.Gattu: Excellent presentations of Rank 3, 40th MATADOR International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing and Design, 2019/7/10.
Qian Yu:The 15th Chine-Japan International Conference on Ultra-Precision Machining Process (CJUMP 2019), Excellent Paper Award, 2019/9/28.
香西孝司:2019年度砥粒加工学会学術講演会優秀講演賞, 2019/11/1.
齋藤雄介:Best Paper Award, 8th International Conference of ASPEN, 2019/11/14.
荒木信乃,石出響,長山晃大:精密工学会第25回学生会員卒業研究発表会エクセレントプレゼンテーション賞, 2018/3/15.
鈴木孝彰:精密工学会2017年度高城賞, 2018/3/16.
M. Heidari:精密工学会2017年度研究奨励賞, 2018/3/16.
石塚潤:マザック財団優秀論文賞, 2018/4/6.
香西孝司:The 4th CIRP Conference on Surface Integrity (CIRP CSI 2018), Best Paper Award, 2018/7/13.
長山晃大:The 14th Chine-Japan International Conference on Ultra-Precision Machining Process (CJUMP 2018), Best Paper Award and Young Researcher Award, 2018/9/15.
高山望:International PhD Academic Forum on Intelligent Manufacturing (IPAFIM 2018), Best Presentation Award, 2018/10/26.
奥内拓海:2017年砥粒加工学会卒業研究発表会ポスタープレゼンテーション賞, 2017/3/3.
高山望:2017年砥粒加工学会卒業研究発表会ベストプレゼンテーション賞, 2017/3/3.
石塚潤:精密工学会第24回学生会員卒業研究発表講演会最優秀講演賞, 2017/3/13.
井本祐司:2017年度精密工学会春季大会学術講演会ベストプレゼンテーション賞, 2017/3/15.
高山望:慶應義塾大学理工学部藤原賞, 2017/3/23.
高山望:慶応工学会賞, 2017/3/23.
高山望:World Congress on Micro and Nano Manufacturing (WCMNM2017), Best Student Paper Presentation Award, 2017/3/30.
黒澤智子:工作機械技術振興財団第38回工作機械技術振興賞(奨励賞), 2017/6/19.
高山望:2017年度精密工学会秋季大会ポスタープレゼンテーション賞, 2017/9/22.
高山望:The 9th International Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing for 21st Century (LEM21), Best Presentation Award, 2017/11/16.
寺林俊雄:The 13th China-Japan International Conference on Ultra-Precision Machining Process (CJUMP2017), Best Paper Award, 2017/11/22.
嶋本悠里:2016年砥粒加工学会卒業研究発表会ポスタープレゼンテーション賞, 2016/3/4.
香西孝司:精密工学会第23回学生会員卒業研究発表講演会優秀講演賞, 2016/3/15.
山崎剛史:砥粒加工学会平成28年度優秀講演賞, 2016/10/24.
山崎剛史:The 12th China-Japan International Conference on Ultra-Precision Machining Process (CJUMP2016), Young Researcher Award, 2016/11/06.
向田茉央,奥内拓海:第17回国際工作機械技術者会議(The 17th IMEC)優秀ポスター賞, 2016/11/20.
山崎剛史:2015年度砥粒加工学会卒業研究発表会ポスタープレゼンテーション賞, 2015/3/6.
向田茉央:精密工学会第22回学生会員卒業研究発表講演会優秀講演賞, 2015/3/17.
野口 淳:慶應義塾大学理工学部機械工学科卒業研究優秀発表賞, 2015/3/23.
向田茉央:euspen’s 15th International Conference – HEIDENHAIN Scholarship, Leuven, Belgium, 2015/06/03.
向田茉央:工作機械技術振興財団第36次工作機械技術振興賞(奨励賞), 2015/6/22.
Ahmad Rosli: The 8th International Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing in 21st Century (LEM21), Best Paper Award, 2015/10/20.
岡田航雅:砥粒加工学会平成27年度優秀講演賞, 2015/11/13.
向田茉央:The 11th China-Japan International Conference on Ultra-Precision Machining Process (CJUMP2015), Young Researcher Award, 2015/11/27.
松本光弘:2014年度砥粒加工学会卒業研究発表会ポスタープレゼンテーション賞, 2014/3/7.
岡田航雅:2014年度砥粒加工学会卒業研究発表会ポスタープレゼンテーション賞, 2014/3/7.
渡邉和憲:慶應義塾大学理工学部機械工学科鬼頭賞, 2014/3/22.
新津敬一郎:慶應義塾大学理工学部機械工学科卒業研究優秀発表賞, 2014/3/22.
村田雄一郎:スマートプロセス学会論文賞, 2014/05/19.
渡邉和憲:工作機械技術振興財団第35 次工作機械技術振興賞(奨励賞), 2014/6/23.
岩渕友樹:The 15th International Conference on Precision Engineering (ICPE2014) Best Paper Award, 2014/7/24.
城所貴博:砥粒加工学会平成26年度優秀講演賞, 2014/10/24.
渡邉和憲:American Society for Precision Engineering (ASPE) Student Scholarship 2014, 2014/11/11.
新津敬一郎:日本機械学会生産加工・工作機械部門優秀講演論文表彰 2014/11/15.
No papers found.
Weihai Huang, Toshiki Tsuchida, Jiwang Yan : Surface morphology formation and subsurface microstructure evolution of zirconia in ultrasonic vibration-assisted burnishing, Journal of Materials Processing Tech, 333,2024, 118586 -
F. Brüssel, W. Huang, J. Yan: Investigation of failure modes and material structural responses of nanographite coatings on single-crystal silicon by nanoscratching, Tribology International, 193(2024), 109349. -
J. Hong, H. Huang, L. Zhang, Z. Zhang, M. Jiang, J. Yan: Laser polishing and simultaneous hardening of the electrical discharge machined Zr-based metallic glass surface, Materials & Design, 237(2024), 112599. -
Y. Yamamuro, T. Shimoyama, H. Nagata, J. Yan: Effect of dopant concentration on femtosecond pulsed laser irradiation of yttria-stabilized zirconia for generating nanopores, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 980(2024), 173596. -
H. An, Y. Qian, L. Zhang, Z. Zhang, H. Huang, J. Yan: On the surface characteristics and removability of RB-SiC composite processed by nanosecond pulsed laser, Composites Part A, 180(2024), 108082. -
H. An, H. Huang, P. Xu, B. Liu, H. An, Y. Qian, J. Yan: Surface quality and mechanical property evolution of laser nitrided Zr-based metallic glass induced by laser shock flattening, Vacuum, 224(2024), 113193. -
M. Wagih, MA. Hassan, H. El-Hofy, J. Yan and I. Maher: Effects of process parameters on cutting forces, material removal rate, and specific energy in trochoidal milling, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 238, 7 (2024) 2745-2757. -
T. Tsuchida, W. Huang, J. Yan: Surface conditioning of zirconia ceramic by enhanced ultrasonic vibration-assisted burnishing, Production Engineering, (2023), -
W. Huang, J. Yan: Towards understanding the mechanism of vibration-assisted cutting of monocrystalline silicon by cyclic nanoindentation, Journal of Materials Processing Tech., 311 (2023) 117797. -
Y. Yamamuro, T. Shimoyama, J. Yan: Generation of nanopore structures in yttria-stabilized zirconia by femtosecond pulsed laser irradiation, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 23 (2023), 1155-1176. -
T. Meshram, J. Yan: Formation of Laser-Induced Periodic Surface Structures on Reaction-Bonded Silicon Carbide by Femtosecond Pulsed Laser Irradiation, Nanomanufacturing and Metrology, (2023). -
K. Minami, K. Kobinata, J. Yan: Multilayer Graphene‐Coated Silicon Carbide Nanowire Formation Under Defocused Laser Irradiation, Nanomanufacturing and Metrology, (2023). -
C. Wang, H. Huang, H. Wu, J. Hong, L. Zhang, J. Yan: Ultra-low wear of titanium alloy surface under lubricated conditions achieved by laser texturing and simultaneous nitriding, Surface & Coatings Technology, 474(2023), 130083. -
M. Cui, H. Huang, H. Wu, L. Zhang, J. Yan: Achieving superhydrophobicity of Zr-based metallic glass surface with anti-corrosion and anti-icing properties by nanosecond laser ablation and subsequent heat treatment, Surface & Coatings Technology, 475(2023), 130159. -
Y. Yamamuro, T. Shimoyama, H. Nagata, J. Yan: Femtosecond Pulsed Laser Irradiation of Zirconia for Embedding Silver Nanoparticles in Surface Nanopores, Applied sciences, 13(2023), 13108. -
X. Li, G. Zheng, J. Yan, X. Cheng, Y. Li and E. Cui: Tool wear and surface integrity in liquid nitrogen clean cutting of cobalt-based superalloy GH605 with AlTiN coated tools, WEAR, 530-531 (2023) 204962, -
Y. He, T. Zhou, AS. Kumar, X. Wang and J. Yan: Study on the non-free plastic shear removal of material and cutting-induced deformation of micron-submicron grooves, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 317 (2023) 117999, -
M. Wagih, I. Maher, H. El-Hofy, J. Yan and MA. Hassan: Analysis and development of elliptical tool path in trochoidal milling, CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, 47 (2023) 168-183, -
L. Zhang, Y. Sato, J. Yan: Optimization of fast tool servo diamond turning for enhancing geometrical accuracy and surface quality of freeform optics, Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing, Vol.17, No.1, 2023. -
W. Huang, J. Yan: Effect of tool geometry on ultraprecision machining of soft-brittle materials: a comprehensive review, International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing, 5 (2023) 012003. -
C. He, J. Yan, S. Wang, S. Zhang, G. Chen, C. Ren: A theoretical and deep learning hybrid model for predicting surface roughness of diamond-turned polycrystalline materials, International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing, 5 (2023) 035102. -
北川大地, メシュラム・トゥシャール, 閻紀旺: 刃先にレーザ加工を施したcBN工具を用いた鉄系金属のマイクロ溝加工の試み, 砥粒加工学会誌, 67, 6 (2023) 341-346. -
S. Tanikawa, Y. Sato, J. Yan: A novel calibration method for angular misalignment in independently controlled fast tool servo-based diamond turning, Precision Engineering, 83 (2023), 216-227. -
W. Huang, J. Yan: Mechanisms of tool-workpiece interaction in ultraprecision diamond turning of single-crystal SiC for curved microstructures, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 191 (2023), 104063. -
W. Huang, K. Nagayama, J. Yan: Fabrication of microlens arrays on single-crystal CaF2 by ultraprecision diamond turning, Journal of Materials Processing Tech., 321(2023), 118133. -
S. Gattu, J. Yan: Micro Electrical Discharge Machining of Ultrafine Particle Type Tungsten Carbide Using Dielectrics Mixed with Various Powders, Micromachines, 13 (2022), 998. -
G. Esser, J. Yan: Direct Observation of Discharge Phenomena in Vibration-Assisted Micro EDM of Array Structures, Micromachines 2022, 13, 1286. -
A. Nakajima, J. Yan: Response of Resin Coating Films Containing Fine Metal Particles to Ultrashort Laser Pulses, International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, (2022). -
K. Minami, K. Kobinata, J. Yan: Generation of Si@C/SiC@C core–shell nanoparticles by laser irradiation of silicon grinding waste, Nano Select, (2022). -
A. Nakajima, M. Omiya, J. Yan: Generation of micro/nano hybrid surface structures on copper by femtosecond pulsed laser irradiation, Nanomanufacturing and Metrology, (2022). -
M. Omiya, A. Nakajima, J. Yan: Design and fabrication of micro and nano surface structures for enhancing metal–polymer adhesion using femtosecond laser treatment, Materials & Design 224 (2022) 111349. -
L. Zhang, J. Yan: Study on nano-graphitic carbon coating on Si mold insert for precision glass molding, Surface & Coatings Technology 448 (2022) 128893. -
MM. Atef, W. Khair-Eldeen, J. Yan and MGA. Nassef: Investigating the Combined Effect of Multiple Dent and Bump Faults on the Vibrational Behavior of Ball Bearings, Machines, 10, 11 (2022) 1062, -
Y. Li, X. Cheng, G. Zheng, J. Yan, H. Liu and X. Li: Dynamic modeling and in-process parametric compensation for fabricating micro straight thin walls by micromilling, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 18 (2022) 2480-2493, -
F. Fang, M. Lai, J. Wang, X. Luo, J. Yan and Y. Yan: Nanometric cutting: Mechanisms, practices and future perspectives, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 178 (2022) 103905, -
C. Axinte, H. Huang, J. Yan and Z. Liao: What micro-mechanical testing can reveal about machining processes, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 183 (2022) 103964, -
Z. Wu, G. Zheng, J. Yan, X. Cheng, H. Liu and X. Yang: Effect of TiAlSiN coating residual stress on its sliding wear and cutting wear performance, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 123, 11-12 (2022) 3885-3900, -
S. Tanikawa, J. Yan: Fabrication of micro-structured surface with controllable randomness by using FTS-based diamond turning, Precision Engineering, 73 (2022), 363–376. -
L. Zhang, J. Yan: Flexible fabrication of Fresnel micro-lens array by off-spindle-axis diamond turning and precision glass molding, Precision Engineering, 74 (2022) 186–194. -
Y. Sato, J. Yan: Tool path generation and optimization for freeform surface diamond turning based on an independently controlled fast tool servo, International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing, 4 (2022), 025102. -
Y. Ueda, N. Sakurai, T. Takagi, K. Ishizu, J. Yan: Exploratory investigation of chip formation and surface integrity in ultrahigh-speed gear hobbing, CIRP Annals – Manufacturing Technology, 71 (2022), 89-92. -
L. Zhang, J. Yan: Evolution of high-pressure metastable phase Si-XIII during silicon nanoindentation: A molecular dynamics study, Computational Materials Science, 191 (2021), 110344. -
W. Huang, J. Yan: Deformation behaviour of soft-brittle polycrystalline materials determined by nanoscratching with a sharp indenter, Precision Engineering, 72 (2021), 717–729. -
Y. Yamamuro, T. Shimoyama, J. Yan: Microscale Surface Patterning of Zirconia by Femtosecond Pulsed Laser Irradiation, International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology, (2021). -
Q. Yu, T. Zhou, Y. He, P. Liu, X. Wang and J. Yan: Effects of relative tool sharpness on surface generation mechanism of precision turning of electroless nickel-phosphorus coating, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 35, 7 (2021) 3113-3121, -
P. Qiu, B. Meng, S. Xu, Y. Rong and J. Yan: Evolution and control of deformation mechanisms in micro-grooving of Zr-based metallic glass, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 68 (2021) 923-931, -
W. Huang, J. Yan: Chip-free surface patterning of toxic brittle polycrystalline materials through micro/nanoscale burnishing, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 162 (2021), 103688. -
K. Nagayama, J. Yan: Deterministic error compensation for slow tool servo-driven diamond turning of freeform surface with nanometric form accuracy, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 64 (2021), 45-57. -
W. Huang, J. Yan: Fundamental Investigation of Diamond Cutting of Micro V-Shaped Grooves on a Polycrystalline Soft-Brittle Material, Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing. 2021, 5, 17. -
L. Zhang, T. Hashimoto, J. Yan: Machinability exploration for high-entropy alloy FeCrCoMnNi by ultrasonic vibration-assisted diamond turning, CIRP Annals – Manufacturing Technology. 70 (2021) 37-40. -
Y. Kamada, J. Yan: Machinability Investigation for Cellulose Nanofiber-Reinforced Polymer Composite by Ultraprecision Diamond Turning, International Journal of Automation Technology. Vol.15 No.4, 2021. -
W. Huang, J. Yan: Deformation behaviour of soft-brittle polycrystalline materials determined by nanoscratching with a sharp indenter, Precision Engineering, 72 (2021), 717–729. -
E. Brinksmeier, B. Karpuschewski, J. Yan: Manufacturing of multiscale structured surfaces, CIRP Annals – Manufacturing Technology, 69 (2020), 717-739. -
K. Momoki, J. Yan: Nanoparticle generation from various types of silicon materials by nanosecond-pulsed laser irradiation, Applied Physics Express, 13 (2020), 026505. -
K. Momoki, T. Manabe, L. Li, J. Yan: Silicon nanoparticle generation and deposition on glass from waste silicon powder by nanosecond pulsed laser irradiation, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 111 (2020), 104998. -
K. Momoki, K. Takahashi, K. Kobinata, Y. Kobayashi, A. Kawai, J. Yan: Generating Silicon Nanofiber Clusters from Grinding Sludge by Millisecond Pulsed Laser Irradiation, Nanomaterials, Vol.812 No.10, 2020. -
K. Kosai, J. Yan: Effects of cyclic loading on subsurface microstructural changes of zirconia polycrystals in nanoscale mechanical processing, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 159 (2020), 103626. -
R. Kishi, J. Yan: Electrical Discharge/Electrochemical Hybrid Machining Based on the Same Machine and Tool Electrode, Journal of Micro- and Nano-Manufacturing, 8 (2020), 010906. -
T. Shitara, K. Fujita, J. Yan: Direct observation of discharging phenomena in vibration-assisted micro-electrical discharge machining, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 108 (2020), 1125-1138. -
K. Niitsu, J. Yan: Effects of deep subsurface damages on surface nanostructure formation in laser recovery of grinded single-crystal silicon wafers, Precision Engineering, 62 (2020), 213-222. -
K. Momoki, J. Yan: Nanoparticle generation from various types of silicon materials by nanosecond-pulsed laser irradiation, Applied Physics Express, 13 (2020), 026505. -
Y. Yamamuro, T. Shimoyama, I. Yamashita, J. Yan: Multiscale Surface Patterning of Zirconia by Picosecond Pulsed Laser Irradiation, Journal of Micro- and Nano-Manufacturing, 8 (2020), 010907. -
K. Momoki, T. Manabe, L. Li, J. Yan: Silicon nanoparticle generation and deposition on glass from waste silicon powder by nanosecond pulsed laser irradiation, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 111 (2020), 104998. -
X. Zhang, Y. Chueh, C. Wei, Z. Sun, J. Yan, L. Li: Additive manufacturing of three-dimensional metal-glass functionally gradient material components by laser powder bed fusion with in situ powder mixing, Additive Manufacturing, 33 (2020), 101113. -
K. Momoki, K. Takahashi, K. Kobinata, Y. Kobayashi, A. Kawai, J. Yan: Generating Silicon Nanofiber Clusters from Grinding Sludge by Millisecond Pulsed Laser Irradiation, Nanomaterials, Vol.10 No.812, 2020. -
T. Kobayashi, J.Yan: Generating Nanodot Structures on Stainless-Steel Surface by Cross Scanning of a Picosecond Pulsed Laser, Nanomanufacturing and Metrology, (2020), -
T. Meshram, J. Yan: Generation of microcones on reaction-bonded silicon carbide by nanosecond pulsed laser irradiation, The Inaternational Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 108 (2020), 1039-1048. -
H. Huang, Y. Qian, C. Wang, J. Yan: Laser induced micro-cracking of Zr-based metallic glass using 1011 w/m2 nano-pulses, Materials Today Communications, 25 (2020), 101554. -
寺町 亮則, ターヴァイネンさゆり, 閻 紀旺: フレキシブルステージを用いた超音波振動援用研削による超硬合金の穴あけ加工, 砥粒加工学会誌, 64, 6 (2020) 320-325 -
Y. He, T. Zhou, X. Dong, P. Liu, W. Zhao, X. Wang, Y. Hu and J. Yan: Generation of high-saturation two-level iridescent structures by vibration-assisted fly cutting, Materials & Design, 193 (2020) 108839, -
S. N. Ameli Kalkhoran, M. Vahdati, J. Yan: Effect of relative tool sharpness on subsurface damage and material recovery in nanometric cutting of mono-crystalline silicon: A molecular dynamics approach, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 108 (2020) 104868. -
S. N. Ameli Kalkhoran, M. Vahdati, Z. Zhang, J. Yan: Influence of Wax Lubrication on Cutting Performance of Single‑Crystal Silicon in Ultraprecision Microgrooving : International Journal of Precision and Manufacturing-Green Technology, 8, 2 (2021), 611-624, -
T. Terabayashi, J. Yan: Surface Formation Behaviors in Wavy Microgroove Cutting on Various Workpiece Materials, International Journal of Automation Technology, Vol.14 No.2, 2020. -
W. Huang, J. Yan: Surface Formation mechanism in ultraprecision diamond turning of coarse-grained polycrystalline ZnSe, International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 153 (2020), 103554. -
K. Nagayama, J. Yan: Measurement and Compensation of Tool Contour Error Using White Light Interferometry for Ultra-Precision Diamond Turning of Freeform Surfaces, Int. J. of Automation Technology, 14, 4 (2020) 654-664. -
T. Zhou, Y. He, T. Wang, X. Dong, P. Liu, W.Zhao, Y. Hu, J. Yan: Algorithm of Micro-Grooving and Imaging Processing for the Generation of High-Resolution Structural Color Images, Nanomanufacturing and Metrology, 3, 3 (2020), 187-198, -
X. Yang, N. Tachikawa, Y. Katayama, L. Lin, J. Yan: Effect of the Pillar Size on the Electrochemical Performance of Laser-Induced Silicon Micropillars as Anodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries, Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 3623. -
K. Kosai, J. Yan: Direct observations of multi-cyclic nanoindentation-induced phase transformations in single-crystal Ge, Materials Research Express, 6 (2019), 075065. -
黒澤智子,閻紀旺: 多結晶ダイヤモンド円盤工具を用いた単結晶SiCの放電研削複合加工, 電気加工学会誌, 53, 132 (2019) 12-18. -
笠井慎平,袖平智樹,閻紀旺: 炭素拡散反応を用いた形彫り放電加工による多結晶ダイヤモンドの3次元形状創製, 電気加工学会誌, 53, 132 (2019) 5-11. -
H. Huang, M. Jiang, J. Yan: The coupling effects of laser thermal shock and surface nitridation on mechanical properties of Zr-based metallic glass, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 770 (2019), 864-874. -
K. Niitsu, Y. Tayama, T. Kato, J. Yan: Laser recovery of grinding-induced subsurface damage in the edge and notch of a single-crystal silicon wafer, Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties, 7 (2019). -
T. Kobayashi, T. Wakabayashi, Y. Takushima, J. Yan: Formation behavior of laser-induced periodic surface structures on stainless tool steel in various media, Precision Engineering, 57 (2019), 244-252. -
X. Yang, N. Tachikawa, Y. Katayama, L. Lin, J. Yan: Effect of the Pillar Size on the Electrochemical Performance of Laser-Induced Silicon Micropillars as Anodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries, Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 3623. -
A. Teramachi, J. Yan: Improving the Surface Integrity of Additive-Manufactured Metal Parts by Ultrasonic Vibration-Assisted Burnishing, Journal of Micro- and Nano-Manufacturing, JUNE 2019, Vol. 7, 024501. -
H. Ishide, J. Yan: Study on Infrared Transmittance of Si-Polymer Hybrid Structure Press Molded Using a Coupling Agent, Journal of Automation Technology Vol.13, (2019), No.6, 817-824. -
P. Beiring, J. Yan: Ultrasonic vibration-assisted microgrinding of glassy carbon, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Vol. 233(12) (2019), 4165-4175. -
Z. He, J. Li, Y. Liu, J. Yan: Investigation on wear modes and mechanisms of abrasive belts in grinding of U71Mn steel, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 101, 5–8 (2019) 1821–1835. -
Z. He, J. Li, Y. Liu, J. Yan: Single-grain cutting based modeling of abrasive belt wear in cylindrical grinding, Friction, (2019) 1-13. -
Y. El-Taybany, M. Hossam, J. Yan, H. El-Hofy: Surface roughness in ultrasonic-assisted and conventional milling of soda-lime glass, International Journal of Machining and Machinability of Materials, 21, 1/2 (2019) 82 – 99. -
Y. El-Taybany, M. Hossam, J. Yan and H. El-Hofy: Surface roughness in ultrasonic-assisted and conventional milling of soda-lime glass, International Journal of Machining and Machinability of Materials, 21, 1-2 (2019) 82-99, -
Z. Zhang, J. Yan, T. Kuriyagawa: Manufacturing technologies toward extreme precision, International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing, 1 (2019) 022001. -
M. Heidari, J. Akbari, J. Yan: Effects of tool rake angle and tool nose radius on surface quality of ultraprecision diamond-turned porous silicon, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 37 (2019), 321-331. -
寺林俊雄,閻紀旺: 2成分の波状微細構造をもつロール金型の超精密切削加工, 日本機械学会論文集, Vol.85, No.874 (2019). -
J. Yan, T. Okuuchi: Chip morphology and surface integrity in ultrasonic cutting of yttria-stabilized tetragonal zirconia polycrystal, CIRP Annals – Manufacturing Technology, 68(2019) 53-56. -
S. N. Ameli Kalkhoran, M. Vahdati, J. Yan: Molecular dynamics investigation of nanometric cutting of single-crystal silicon using a blunt tool, JOM(2019). -
Q. Wang, F. Zhou, Q. Ma, M. Callisti, T. Polcar, J. Yan: Fracture toughness and sliding properties of magnetron sputtered CrBC and CrBCN coatings, Applied Surface Science, 443 (2018), 635–643. -
H. Huang, J. Yan: Multi-scale dimple creation on metallic glass by a two-step method involving nanoindentation and polishing, Applied Surface Science, 462 (2018), 565–574. -
K. Niitsu, Y. Tayama, T. Kato, H. Maehara, J. Yan: Characterization of recrystallized depth and dopant distribution in laser recovery of grinding damage in single-crystal silicon, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 82 (2018), 54–61. -
N. Takayama, S. Asaka, J. Yan: Nanosecond pulsed laser irradiation of sapphire for developing microstructures with deep V-shaped grooves, Precision Engineering, 52 (2018), 440–450. -
N. Takayama, J. Ishizuka, J. Yan: Microgrooving of a single-crystal diamond tool using a picosecond pulsed laser and some cutting tests, Precision Engineering, 53 (2018), 252–262. -
T. Kobayashi, H. Sera, T. Wakabayashi, H. Endo, Y. Takushima, J. Yan: Surface Flattening and Nanostructuring of Steel by Picosecond Pulsed Laser Irradiation, Nanomanufacturing and Metrology, (2018). -
J. Yan, Y. Imoto: Nanoscale surface patterning of diamond utilizing carbon diffusion reaction with a microstructured titanium mold, CIRP Annals – Manufacturing Technology, 67 (2018), 181–184. -
H. Huang, J. Yan: Multi-scale dimple creation on metallic glass by a two-step method involving nanoindentation and polishing, Applied Surface Science, 462 (2018), 565–574. -
鈴木孝彰, 大槻俊紀, 閻 紀旺: 極細線固定砥粒ダイヤモンドワイヤによる単結晶SiC の精密切断, 日本機械学会論文集, 84, 857 (2018). -
X. Li, Z. Zhang, H. Hu, Y. Li, L. Xiong, X. Zhang and J. Yan: Noncontact on-machine measurement system based on capacitive displacement sensors for single-point diamond turning, Optical Engineering, 57, 4 (2018) 044105, -
M. Heidari, J. Yan: Nanometer-scale chip formation and surface integrity of pure titanium in diamond turning, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 95 (2018), 479-492. -
R. Komiya, T. Kimura, T. Nomura, M. Kubo, J. Yan: Ultraprecision cutting of single-crystal calcium fluoride for fabricating micro flow cells, Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design,Systems,and Manufacturing, 12, 1 (2018). -
M. Heidari, J. Yan: Material removal mechanism and surface integrity in ultraprecision cutting of porous titanium, Precision Engineering, 52 (2018), 356–369. -
石塚 潤, 長澤圭祐, 三神政之, 閻 紀旺: フッ化物ガラスの超精密切削—仕上げ面生成と工具損傷の基礎検討—, 砥粒加工学会誌, 62, 2(2018), 88-93. -
J. Wang, L.Wan, J. Chen, J. Yan: Micropatterning of diamond crystallites via cobalt-catalyzed thermochemical etching, Journal of Material Science, 52 (2017) 709-720. -
Y. Imoto, J. Yan: Thermochemical micro imprinting of single-crystal diamond surface using a nickel mold under high-pressure conditions, Applied Surface Science, 404 (2017) 318-325. -
J. Yan, J. Noguchi, Y. Terashi,: Fabrication of single-crystal silicon micro pillars on copper foils by nanosecond pulsed laser irradiation, CIRP Annals – Manufacturing Technology, 66 (2017) 253-256. -
M. Matsumoto, H. Huang, H.Harada, K.Kakimoto and J. Yan: On the phase transformation of single-crystal 4H–SiC during nanoindentation, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics , 50 (2017) 265303. -
H. Huang, J. Yan: Investigating shear band interaction in metallic glasses by adjacent nanoindentation, Materials Science & Engineering A, 704(2017), 375-385. -
K. Kosai, H. Huang, J. Yan: Comparative Study of Phase Transformation in Single-Crystal Germanium during Single and Cyclic Nanoindentation, Crystals, 7 (2017), 333. -
T. Tan, J. Yan: Atomic-scale characterization of subsurface damage and structural changes of single-crystal silicon carbide subjected to electrical discharge machining, Acta Materialia, 123 (2017) 362-372. -
N. Takayama, J. Yan: Mechanisms of micro-groove formation on single-crystal diamond by a nanosecond pulsed laser, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 243 (2017) 299-311. -
H. Huang and J. Yan: Surface patterning of Zr-based metallic glass by laser irradiation induced selective thermoplastic extrusion in nitrogen gas, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering , 27 (2017) 075007. -
J. Yan, J. Noguchi, Y. Terashi,: Fabrication of single-crystal silicon micro pillars on copper foils by nanosecond pulsed laser irradiation, CIRP Annals – Manufacturing Technology, 66 (2017) 253-256. -
N. Takayama, J. Yan: Laser Irradiation Responses of a Single-Crystal Diamond Produced by Different Crystal Growth Methods, Applied Sciences, 7(8), 815 (2017). -
A. R. Abdul Manaf, J. Yan: Improvement of form accuracy and surface integrity of Si-HDPE hybrid micro-lens arrays in press molding, Precision Engineering, 47 (2017) 469-479. -
Y. Imoto, J. Yan: Thermochemical micro imprinting of single-crystal diamond surface using a nickel mold under high-pressure conditions, Applied Surface Science, 404 (2017) 318-325. -
A. R. Abdul Manaf, T. Sugiyama, J. Yan: Design and fabrication of Si-HDPE hybrid Fresnel lenses for infrared imaging systems, Optics Express, 25 (2017) 1202. -
井本祐司, 閻 紀旺:純鉄金型を用いたプレス転写による単結晶ダイヤモンドへの微細形状創成,精密工学会誌,83, 8 (2017) 770-774. -
T. Suzuki, Y. Nishino, J. Yan: Mechanisms of material removal and subsurface damage in fixed-abrasive diamond wire slicing of single-crystalline silicon, Precision Engineering, 50(2017), 32-43. -
T. Suzuki, Y. Nishino and J. Yan: Mechanisms of material removal and subsurface damage in fixed-abrasive diamond wire slicing of single-crystalline silicon, Precision Engineering, 50 (2017) 32-43, -
M. Mukaida and J. Yan: Ductile machining of single-crystal silicon for microlens arrays by ultraprecision diamond turning using a slow tool servo, International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 115 (2017) 2-14. -
M. Heidari and J. Yan: Fundamental characteristics of material removal and surface formation in diamond turning of porous carbon, International Journal of Additive and Subtractive Materials Manufacturing, 1 (2017) 23-41. -
M. Heidari and J. Yan: Ultraprecision surface flattening of porous silicon by diamond turning, Precision Engineering, 49 (2017) 262-277. -
P. J. Liew, A. Shaaroni, N. A. C. Sidik, J. Yan: An overview of current status of cutting fluids and cooling techniques of turning hard steel, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 114 (2017) 380-394. -
M. Mukaida, J. Yan: Fabrication of Hexagonal Microlens Arrays on Single-Crystal Silicon Using the Tool-Servo Driven Segment Turning Method, Micromachines, 8 (2017), 323. -
J. Wang, L. Wan, J. Chen, J. Yan: Surface patterning of synthetic diamond crystallites using nickel powder, Diamond & Related Materials, 66 (2016) 206-212. -
J. Yan, K. Okada: Fabrication of silicon-based porous nanocomposite films by focused infrared light sintering, CIRP Annals-Manufacturing Technology, 65 (2016) 217-220. -
H. Huang, J. Yan: In situ characterization of formation and growth of high-pressure phases in single-crystal silicon during nanoindentation, Applied Physics A – Material Science & Processing, 122, 409 (2016) 1-7. -
H. Huang, J. Zhang, C. Shek, J. Yan: Effects of pre-compression deformation on nanoindentation response of Zr65Cu15Al10Ni10 bulk metallic glass, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 674 (2016) 223-228. -
Q. Wang, F. Zhou, J. Yan: Evaluating mechanical properties and crack resistance of CrN, CrTiN, CrAlN and CrTiAlN coatings by nanoindentation and scratch tests, Surface and Coatings Technology, 285 (2016) 203-213. -
H. Huang, J. Yan: Volumetric and timescale analysis of phase transformation in single-crystal silicon during nanoidentation, Applied Physics A, 122, 607 (2016) 1-11. -
W. Wang, P. Yao, J. Wang, C. Huang, H. Zhu, B. Zou, H. Liu, J. Yan: Crack-free ductile mode grinding of fused silica under controllable dry grinding conditions, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 109 (2016) 126-136. -
H. Huang, J. Yan: Microstructural changes of Zr-based metallic glass during micro-electrical discharge machining and grinding by a sintered diamond tool, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 688 (2016) 14-21. -
J. Yan, K. Okada: Fabrication of silicon-based porous nanocomposite films by focused infrared light sintering, CIRP Annals-Manufacturing Technology, 65 (2016) 217-220. -
H. Huang, J. Noguchi, M. Jiang, R. Moriya, J. Yan: Nanosecond pulsed laser irradiation induced hierarchical micro/nanostructures on Zr-based metallic glass substrate, Materials & Design, 109 (2016) 153-161. -
H. Huang, J. Noguchi, J. Yan: Shield gas induced cracks during nanosecond-pulsed laser irradiation of Zr-based metallic glass, Applied Physics A, 122, 10 (2016) 881. -
A. R. Abdul Manaf, J. Yan: Press Molding of a Si-HDPE Hybrid Lens Substrate and Evaluation of Its Infrared Optical Properties, Precision Engineering, 43 (2016) 429-438. -
W. Wang, P. Yao, J. Wang, C. Huang, H. Zhu, B. Zou, H. Liu, J. Yan: Crack-free ductile mode grinding of fused silica under controllable dry grinding conditions, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 109 (2016) 126-136. -
山崎剛史,閻 紀旺: 超音波振動援用研削によるCFRPの高精度微細溝加工,砥粒加工学会誌,60, 12 (2016) 659-664. -
鈴木孝彰,大槻俊紀,閻 紀旺: ダイシングワイヤーソーによる単結晶シリコンの精密切断に関する研究,砥粒加工学会誌,60, 2 (2016) 97-103. -
C. Liu, J. Yan, and S. Lin: Diamond turning of high-precision roll-to-roll imprinting molds for fabricating subwavelength gratings, Optical Engineering, 55(6) (2016) 064105. -
Q. Wang, F. Zhou, C. Wang, M. Yuen, M. Wang, T. Qian, M. Matsumoto, J. Yan: Comparison of tribological and electrochemical properties of TiN CrN TiAlN and a-C H coatings in simulated body fluid, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 158 (2015) 74-81. -
Q. Wang, F. Zhou, S. Gao, Z. Zhou, L. Li, J. Yan: Influence of carbon concentration on the electrochemical behavior of CrCN coatings in simulated body fluid, Surface & Coatings Technology, 265 (2015) 16-23. -
Q. Wang, F. Zhou, S. Gao, Z. Zhou, L. Li, J. Yan: Effect of counterparts on the tribological properties of TiCN coatings with low carbon concentration in water lubrication, Wear, 328-329 (2015) 356-362. -
J. Wang, L. Wan, J. Chen, J. Yan: Anisotoropy of synthetic diamond in catalytic etching using iron powder, Applied Surface Science, 346 (2015) 388-393 -
K. Asakura, J. Yan: Water Repellency Control of Oxygen-Free Copper Surface by Diamond-Cut Micro Grooves, International Journal of Automation Technology, 9 (2015) 396-402. -
城所貴博,閻 紀旺:高精度プレス焼結によるシリコン・炭素複合厚膜の創製,砥粒加工学会誌,59, 1 (2015) 23-26. -
Y. Iwabuchi, J. Yan: Laser sintering of silicon powder and carbon nanofibers for porous composite thick films, Applied Physics Express, 8 (2015) 026501. -
H. Huang and J. Yan: New insights into phase transformations in single crystal silicon by controlled cyclic nanoindentation, Scripta Materialia, 102 (2015) 35-38. -
H. Huang, J. Yan: On the mechanism of secondary pop-out in cyclic nanoindentation of single-crystal silicon, Journal of Materials Research, 30, 11 (2015) 1861-1868. -
Q. Wang, Z. Wu, F. Zhou, H. Huang, K. Niitsu, J. Yan: Evaluation of crack resistance of CrSiCN coatings as a function of Si concentration via nanoindentation, Surface and Coatings Technology, 272 (2015) 239-245. -
Q. Wang, Z. Wu, F. Zhou, J. Yan: Comparison of crack resistance between ternary CrSiC and quaternary CrSiCN coatings via nanoindentation, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 642 (2015) 391-397. -
H. Huang, J. Yan: Possibility for rapid generation of high-pressure phases in single-crystal silicon by fast nanoindentation, Semiconductor Science and Technology, 30 (2015) 115001. -
J. Yan, T. H. Tan: Sintered diamond as a hybrid EDM and grinding tool for the micromachining of single-crystal SiC, CIRP Annals – Manufacturing Technology, 64, 1 (2015). -
H. Huang, J. Yan: On the surface characteristics of a Zr-based bulk metallic glass processed by microelectrical discharge machining, Applied Surface Science, 355 (2015) 1306-1315. -
Y. Iwabuchi, J. Yan: Laser sintering of silicon powder and carbon nanofibers for porous composite thick films, Applied Physics Express, 8 (2015) 026501. -
T. Zhou, J. Yan, Z. Liang, X. Wang, R. Kobayashi, T. Kuriyagawa: Development of polycrystalline Ni–P mold by heat treatment for glass microgroove forming, Precision Engineering, 39/ 1 (2015) 25-30. -
城所貴博,閻 紀旺:高精度プレス焼結によるシリコン・炭素複合厚膜の創製,砥粒加工学会誌,59, 1 (2015) 23-26. -
J. Yan, T. H. Tan: Sintered diamond as a hybrid EDM and grinding tool for the micromachining of single-crystal SiC, CIRP Annals – Manufacturing Technology, 64, 1 (2015). -
山崎剛史,閻 紀旺: 超音波振動援用研削によるCFRP の高精度穴あけ加工,砥粒加工学会誌,59, 12 (2015) 699-704. -
S. Azami, H. Kudo, Y. Mizumoto, T. Tanabe, J. Yan and Y. Kakinuma: Experimental study of crystal anisotropy based on ultra-precision cylindrical turning of single-crystal calcium fluoride, Precision Engineering, 40, 172-181 (2015), -
K. Asakura, J. Yan: Water Repellency Control of Oxygen-Free Copper Surface by Diamond-Cut Micro Grooves, International Journal of Automation Technology, 9 (2015) 396-402. -
Q. Wang, F. Zhou, Z. Zhou, L. Li, J. Yan: Electrochemical performance of TiCN coatings with low carbon concentration in simulated body fluid, Surface & Coatings Technology, 253 (2014) 199-204. -
S. Goel, J. Yan, X. Luo, A. Agrawal: Incipient plasticity in 4H-SiC during quasistatic nanoindentation, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 34 (2014) 330-337. -
S. Goel, N. Faisal, X. Luo, J. Yan, A. Agrawal: Nanoindentation of polysilicon and single crystal silicon: Molecular dynamics simulation and experimental validation, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 47 (2014) 275304. -
P. J. Liew, J. Yan, T. Kuriyagawa: Fabrication of Deep Micro Holes in Reaction-Bonded SiC by Ultrasonic Cavitation Assisted Micro EDM, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 76 (2014) 13-20. -
J. Yan, K. Watanabe, T. Aoyama: Micro-electrical discharge machining of polycrystalline diamond using rotary cupronickel electrode, CIRP Annals – Manufacturing Technology, 63, 1 (2014) 209-212. -
楠 雄策,閻 紀旺:単結晶シリコンの超精密切削における元素ドーピングの影響,砥粒加工学会誌,58, 11 (2014) 699-704. -
P. J. Liew, J. Yan, T. Kuriyagawa: Carbon nanofiber assisted micro electro discharge machining of reaction-bonded silicon carbide, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 213, 7 (2013) 1076-1087. -
P. J. Liew, J. Yan, T. Kuriyagawa: Experimental Investigation on Material Migration Phenomena in Micro EDM of Reaction-Bonded Silicon Carbide, Applied Surface Science, 276 (2013) 731-743. -
Z. Zhang, H. Peng, J. Yan: Micro-cutting characteristics of EDM fabricated high-precision polycrystalline diamond tools, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 65, (2013) 99-106. -
P. J. Liew, J. Yan, T. Kuriyagawa: Carbon nanofiber assisted micro electro discharge machining of reaction-bonded silicon carbide, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 213, 7 (2013) 1076-1087. -
P. J. Liew, J. Yan, T. Kuriyagawa: Experimental Investigation on Material Migration Phenomena in Micro EDM of Reaction-Bonded Silicon Carbide, Applied Surface Science, 276 (2013) 731-743. -
P. J. Liew, K. Shimada, M. Mizutani, J. Yan, T. Kuriyagawa: Fabrication of Microstructures on RB-SiC by Ultrasonic Cavitation Assisted Micro-Electrical Discharge Machining, International Journal of Automation Technology, 7, 6 (2013) 621-629. -
J. Yan, F. Kobayashi: Laser recovery of machining damage under curved silicon surface, CIRP Annals – Manufacturing Technology, 62, 1 (2013) 199-202. -
J. Yan, Y. Nakagawa, K. Watanabe: Fabrication of Thin-Film Fresnel Optics by Combining Diamond Turning and Photolithographic Processes, International Journal of Automation Technology, 7, 4 (2013) 385-390. -
Z. Zhang, H. Peng, J. Yan: Micro-cutting characteristics of EDM fabricated high-precision polycrystalline diamond tools, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 65, (2013) 99-106. -
J. Yan, A. Horikoshi, T. Kuriyagawa, and Y. Fukushima: Manufacturing Structured Surface by Combining Microindentation and Ultraprecision Cutting, CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, 5, 1 (2012) 41-47. -
J. Yan, A. Horikoshi, T. Kuriyagawa, and Y. Fukushima: Manufacturing Structured Surface by Combining Microindentation and Ultraprecision Cutting, CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, 5, 1 (2012) 41-47. -
J. Yan, T. Asami, H. Harada, T. Kuriyagawa: Crystallographic effect on subsurface damage formation in silicon microcutting, CIRP Annals – Manufacturing Technology, 61, 1 (2012) 131-134. -
J. Masuda, J. Yan, T. Zhou, T. Kuriyagawa, and Y. Fukase: Thermally-induced atomic diffusion at the interface between release agent coating and mould substrate in a glass moulding press, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 44 (2011) 215302, pp.1-12. -
J. Yan, S. Sakai, H. Isogai, and K. Izunome: Characterization of microparticles and oxide layers generated by laser irradiation of diamond-machined silicon wafers, Semiconductor Science and Technology, 26, 2 (2011) 025006, pp.1-7. -
J. Yan, Z. Zhang, and T. Kuriyagawa: Effect of Nanoparticle Lubrication in Diamond Turning of Reaction-Bonded SiC, International Journal of Automation Technology, 5, 3 (2011) 307-312. -
J. Yan, S. Sakai, H. Isogai, and K. Izunome: Characterization of microparticles and oxide layers generated by laser irradiation of diamond-machined silicon wafers, Semiconductor Science and Technology, 26, 2 (2011) 025006, pp.1-7. -
J. Masuda, J. Yan, T. Zhou, T. Kuriyagawa, and Y. Fukase: Thermally-induced atomic diffusion at the interface between release agent coating and mould substrate in a glass moulding press, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 44 (2011) 215302, pp.1-12. -
T. Zhou, J. Yan, J. Masuda, T. Oowada, and T. Kuriyagawa: Investigation on Shape Transferability in Ultraprecision Glass Molding Press for Microgrooves, Precision Engineering, 35, 2 (2011) 214-220. -
J. Yan, Z. Zhang, and T. Kuriyagawa: Effect of Nanoparticle Lubrication in Diamond Turning of Reaction-Bonded SiC, International Journal of Automation Technology, 5, 3 (2011) 307-312. -
J. Yan: Ultraprecision cutting of photoresist/gold composite microstructures, CIRP Annals – Manufacturing Technology, 60, 1 (2011) 133-136. -
Z. Zhang, J. Yan, and T. Kuriyagawa: Study on tool wear characteristics in diamond turning of reaction-bonded silicon carbide, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 57, 1 (2011) 117-125. -
J. Yan, X. Gai and H. Harada: Subsurface damage of single crystalline silicon carbide in nanoindentation tests, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 10, 11 (2010) 7808-7811. -
J. Yan, T. Kaneko, K. Uchida, N. Yoshihara, T. Kuriyagawa: Fabricating micro grooves with varied cross-sections by electro discharge machining, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 50, 9-12 (2010) 991-1002. -
J. Yan, S. Muto, and T. Kuriyagawa: Development of a high-frequency pulse laser irradiation system for repairing silicon wafers damaged by abrasive machining processes, International Journal of Abrasive Technology, 3, 3 (2010) 175-189. -
T. Zhou, J. Yan, N. Yoshihara, T. Kuriyagawa: Study on Nonisothermal Glass Molding Press for Aspherical Lens, Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing, 4, 5 (2010) 804-815. -
J. Yan, Z. Zhang, and T. Kuriyagawa: Tool wear control in diamond turning of high-strength mold materials by means of tool swinging, CIRP Annals – Manufacturing Technology, 59, 1 (2010) 109-112. -
J. Yan, Z. Zhang, and T. Kuriyagawa: Fabricating micro-structured surface by using single-crystalline diamond endmill, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 51, 9 (2010) 957-964. -
J. Masuda, J. Yan, T. Tashiro, Y. Fukase, T. Zhou and T. Kuriyagawa: Microstructural and Topographical Changes of Ni-P Plated Molds in Glass Lens Pressing, International Journal of Surface Science and Engineering, 3, 1-2 (2009) 86-102. -
T. Kiriyama, H. Harada, and J. Yan: Finite element modeling of high-pressure deformation and phase transformation of silicon beneath a sharp indenter, Semiconductor Science and Technology, 24, 2 (2009) 025014, pp. 1-12. -
J. Yan, K. Uchida, N. Yoshihara, and T. Kuriyagawa: Fabrication of micro end mills by wire EDM and some micro cutting tests, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 19, 2 (2009) 025004, pp. 1-9. -
J. Yan, S. Sakai, H. Isogai, and K. Izunome: Recovery of microstructure and surface topography of grinding-damaged silicon wafers by nanosecond-pulsed laser irradiation, Semiconductor Science and Technology, 24, 10 (2009) 105018, pp.1-6. -
J. Yan, T. Zhou, J. Masuda, and T. Kuriyagawa: Modeling high-temperature glass molding process by coupling heat transfer and viscous deformation analysis, Precision Engineering, 33, 2 (2009) 150-159. -
J. Yan, T. Zhou, N. Yoshihara, and T. Kuriyagawa: Shape transferability and microscopic deformation of molding dies in aspherical glass lens molding press, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Research, 1, 1-2 (2009) 85-102. -
J. Masuda, J. Yan, T. Tashiro, Y. Fukase, T. Zhou and T. Kuriyagawa: Microstructural and Topographical Changes of Ni-P Plated Molds in Glass Lens Pressing, International Journal of Surface Science and Engineering, 3, 1-2 (2009) 86-102. -
T. Zhou, J. Yan, J. Masuda, and T. Kuriyagawa: Investigation on the viscoelasticity of optical glass in ultraprecision lens molding process, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 209, 9 (2009) 4484-4489. -
J. Yan, T. Oowada, T. Zhou, and T. Kuriyagawa: Precision machining of microstructures on electroless-plated NiP surface for molding glass components, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 209, 10 (2009) 4802-4808. -
J. Yan, X. Gai, and T. Kuriyagawa: Fabricating Nano Ribbons and Nano Fibers of Semiconductor Materials by Diamond Turning, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 9, 2 (2009) 1423-1427. -
J. Yan, Z. Zhang, and T. Kuriyagawa: Mechanism for material removal in diamond turning of reaction-bonded silicon carbide, International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 49, 5 (2009) 366-374. -
J. Yan, H. Zhao, and T. Kuriyagawa: Effects of tool edge radius on ductile machining of silicon: an investigation by FEM, Semiconductor Science and Technology, 24, 7 (2009) 075018, pp.1-11. -
J. Yan, T. Asami, H. Harada, and T. Kuriyagawa: Fundamental investigation on subsurface damage in single crystalline silicon caused by diamond machining, Precision Engineering, 33, 4 (2009) 378-386. -
J. Yan, T. Oowada, T. Zhou, and T. Kuriyagawa: Precision machining of microstructures on electroless-plated NiP surface for molding glass components, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 209, 10 (2009) 4802-4808. -
J. Yan, T. Asami and T. Kuriyagawa: Nondestructive measurement of the machining-induced amorphous layers in single-crystal silicon by laser micro-Raman spectroscopy, Precision Engineering, 32, 3 (2008) 186-195. -
J. Yan, J. Tamaki, H. Zhao and T. Kuriyagawa: Surface and subsurface damages in nanoindentation tests of compound semiconductor InP, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 18, 10 (2008) 105018, pp.1-10. -
J. Yan, T. Asami and T. Kuriyagawa: Nondestructive measurement of the machining-induced amorphous layers in single-crystal silicon by laser micro-Raman spectroscopy, Precision Engineering, 32, 3 (2008) 186-195. -
J. Yan, T. Asami and T. Kuriyagawa: Nondestructive measurement of the machining-induced amorphous layers in single-crystal silicon by laser micro-Raman spectroscopy, Precision Engineering, 32, 3 (2008) 186-195. -
T. Ohta, J. Yan, T. Kuriyagawa, S. Kodera, and T. Nakasuji: Prediction of subsurface damage depth of ground brittle materials by surface profiling, International Journal of Machining and Machinability of Materials, 2, 1 (2007) 108-124. -
T. Masaki, T. Kuriyagawa, J. Yan, and N. Yoshihara: Study on shaping spherical Poly Crystalline Diamond tool by Micro-electro-Discharge Machining and micro-grinding with the tool, International Journal of Surface Science and Engineering, 1, 4 (2007) 344-359. -
J. Yan, T. Asami and T. Kuriyagawa: Response of machining-damaged single-crystalline silicon wafers to nanosecond pulsed laser irradiation, Semiconductor Science and Technology, 22, 4 (2007) 392-395. -
T. Masaki, T. Kuriyagawa, J. Yan, and N. Yoshihara: Study on shaping spherical Poly Crystalline Diamond tool by Micro-electro-Discharge Machining and micro-grinding with the tool, International Journal of Surface Science and Engineering, 1, 4 (2007) 344-359. -
T. Ohta, J. Yan, T. Kuriyagawa, S. Kodera, and T. Nakasuji: Prediction of subsurface damage depth of ground brittle materials by surface profiling, International Journal of Machining and Machinability of Materials, 2, 1 (2007) 108-124. -
J. Yan, Y. Fan, N. Yoshihara, T. Kuriyagawa and S. Yokoyama: Numerical Simulation and Prediction of Surface Heterogeneity in Diamond Turning of Single-Crystalline Germanium, Key Engineering Materials, 329, 397-402 (2007), -
T. Ohta, J. Yan, S. Yajima, Y. Takahashi, N. Horikawa, and T. Kuriyagawa: High-efficiency machining of single-crystal germanium using large-radius diamond tools, International Journal of Surface Science and Engineering, 1, 4 (2007) 374-392. -
J. Yan, H. Baba, Y. Kunieda, N. Yoshihara, and T. Kuriyagawa: Nano precision on-machine profiling of curved diamond cutting tools using a white-light interferometer, International Journal of Surface Science and Engineering, 1, 4 (2007) 441-455. -
J. Yan, H. Takahashi, X. Gai, H. Harada, J. Tamaki and T. Kuriyagawa: Load effects on the phase transformation of single-crystal silicon during nanoindentation tests, Materials Science and Engineering A, 423, 1-2 (2006) 19-23. -
J. Yan, Y. Takahashi, J. Tamaki, A. Kubo, T. Kuriyagawa and Y. Sato: Ultraprecision Machining Characteristics of Poly-crystalline Germanium, JSME International Journal, Series C, 49, 1 (2006) 63-69. -
J. Yan, H. Takahashi, J. Tamaki, X. Gai, H. Harada, and J. Patten: Nanoindentation tests on diamond-machined silicon wafers, Applied Physics Letters, 86, 5 (2005) 181913, pp. 1-3. -
J. Yan, H. Takahashi, J. Tamaki, X. Gai, and T. Kuriyagawa: Transmission electron microscopic observation of nanoindentations made on ductile-machined silicon wafers, Applied Physics Letters, 87, 11 (2005) 211901, pp.1-3. -
J. Yan, K. Maekawa, J. Tamaki and T. Kuriyagawa: Micro grooving on single-crystal germanium for infrared Fresnel lenses, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 15, 10 (2005) 1925-1931. -
J. Yan: Laser micro-Raman spectroscopy of single-point diamond machined silicon substrates, Journal of Applied Physics, 95, 4 (2004) 2094-2101. -
J. Yan, J. Tamaki, K. Syoji and T. Kuriyagawa: Ductile Regime Machining of Single-Crystal CaF2 for Aspherical Lenses , Key Engineering Materials, 257-258, 95-100 (2004), -
J. Yan, T. Sasaki, J. Tamaki, A. Kubo and T. Sugino: Chip Formation Behaviour in Ultra-Precision Cutting of Electroless Nickel Plated Mold Substrates, Key Engineering Materials, 257-258, 3-8 (2004), -
J. Yan, K. Syoji and J. Tamaki: Crystallographic effects in micro/nanomachining of single-crystal calcium fluoride, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures, 22, 1 (2004) 46-51. -
J. Yan, K. Maekawa, J. Tamaki and A. Kubo: Experimental Study on the Ultraprecision Ductile Machinability of Single-Crystal Germanium, JSME International Journal, Series C, 47, 1 (2004) 29-36. -
J. Yan: Laser micro-Raman spectroscopy of single-point diamond machined silicon substrates, Journal of Applied Physics, 95, 4 (2004) 2094-2101. -
J. Yan, J. Tamaki, K. Syoji, and T. Kuriyagawa: Single-Point Diamond Turning of CaF2 for Nanometric Surface, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 24, 9-10 (2004) 640-646. -
J. Yan, J. Tamaki, K. Syoji and T. Kuriyagawa: Development of a Novel Ductile-Machining System for Fabricating Axisymmetrical Aspherical Surfaces on Brittle Materials, Key Engineering Materials, 238-239, 43-48 (2003), -
J. Yan, K. Syoji and J. Tamaki: Some observations on the wear of diamond tools in ultra-precision cutting of single-crystal silicon, Wear, 255, 712 (2003) 1380-1387. -
J. Yan, K. Syoji, T. Kuriyagawa and H. Suzuki: Ductile Regime Turning at Large Tool Feed, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 121, 2-3 (2002), 363-372. -
J. Yan, M. Yoshino, T. Kuriagawa, T. Shirakashi, K. Syoji and R. Komanduri: On the Ductile Machining of Silicon for Micro Electro-mechanical Systems (MEMS), Opto-electronic and Optical Applications, Materials Science and Engineering A, 297, 1-2 (2001) 230-234. -